
Ecommerce - Cockpit and REACT

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ecommerce site using backend Cockpit and REACT - Live Demo


Create an Ecommerce site using Cockpit as a backend.


  • Cockpit is a very simple headless CMS that can be used to manage the content on a website. In Cockpit you can manage your content using “collections” that you specify yourself. This makes it very versatile.
  • Use only “collections”.
  • https://getcockpit.com/ . Please use Cockpit version 0.9.2.

Cockpit API

To request data from your collections you will use the Cockpit API. https://getcockpit.com/documentation/api/collections The API is very simple but powerful and supports filtering, sorting and pagination.


Application should be an SPA with at least the following pages.

  • A main page that displays a list of products with name, price and an image of the product. You need to implement pagination on this page and it should be possible to search for products by name. There should be a checkbox so the user can show only products that are in stock.
  • A details page for every product that shows the name of the product, a description, how many units are in stock, the price of the product and a gallery of images. It should be possible to add the product to a shopping cart. When adding products to the shopping cart it should be possible to select how many items are added. The details page should also include a list of reviews with ratings. A review should include a title, a body and a rating between 1 and 5.
  • A “shopping cart” page that displays a table of the products currently in the shopping cart. You should show the name, quantity and price of the products. You also need to display the total price. If there are items in the shopping cart there should be a button or a link that takes the user to the “checkout page”.
  • A checkout page with a form where the user can input a name and address. When the form is submitted the shopping cart should be emptied and the user should be redirected to a page that says the order was created (actually creating the order is only required for the grade VG).
  • VG Requirement: There are some additional for the grade VG. Two of these requirements involve adding new entries to Cockpit from the frontend application. It is possible to use the Cockpit API to add new entries using “/api/collections/save/{collectionname}”: https://getcockpit.com/documentation/api/collections
  • VG Requirement: For the grade VG a “review form” must be included on the product pages. When a review is submitted it should be added to the collection in Cockpit. For the grade VG an “order” entry must be created in Cockpit when a user submits the form on the “checkout page”. The “order” collection should include at least


Running Cockpit with Docker

The easiest way to run Cockpit is using Docker. If you are unable to run Docker and having trouble running Cockpit, please ask the teacher for assistance.

To start Cockpit version 0.9.2, please run the following command

docker run -d --name cockpit -p 8080:80 agentejo/cockpit:0.9.2

This will download cockpit and start it. Cockpit does not require an external database, instead it will use SQLite (a minimal database) if no external database is defined. For this exercise SQLite is sufficient.

When you are finished, please copy the “storage” folder from Cockpit, compress it and include it in your repo. If you are using Docker, you can copy the folder with the following command:```

docker cp cockpit:/var/www/html/storage .

This will copy the folder to the current directory.


  • The application should be an SPA written using React, Vue or Angular
  • Cockpit should be used as a backend
  • The application should implement routing
  • The main page should show a list of products including name, price and an image
  • The main page should have pagination
  • It should be possible to search for products by name and filter to show only products that are in stock
  • The product pages should show the name, description, price, quantity in stock and a collection of images
  • The product pages should show a list of reviews
  • It should be possible to add products to a shopping cart
  • The shopping cart should be implemented using localStorage
  • The checkout page should include a form where the user can input name and address
  • When the user submits the checkout form the shopping cart should be emptied
  • Use Collectionlinks in Cockpit to link reviews to products.

VG grade:

  • The product pages should include a form where the user can add new reviews. These reviews should include a title, a body and a rating between 1 and 5
  • When the user submits the checkout form a new “order” entry should be added to Cockpit. This entry should include the name and address of the user, the total price and a list of products and their respective quantities.