
ForeverCore is a small utility written in .NET Core for running an external process forever, allowing you to control the lifecycle via HTTP

Primary LanguageC#


ForeverCore is a small utility written in .NET 5 to run an external process forever, allowing you to control the lifecycle via HTTP.

It works on any platform supported by .NET 5: Windows, Linux, macOS.


Here the steps to setup the utility using bash on Linux. On Windows is pretty similar.

  1. Download the release for your OS. You can find the release here. The app is self contained and you don't need any other dependency
    wget https://github.com/Ricciolo/ForeverCore/releases/download/v1.0-alpha/ForeverCore-v1.0-linux-arm.zip
  2. Unzip the content into a folder
    unzip ForeverCore-v1.0-linux-arm.zip -d ForeverCore
  3. Run the utility
    chmod +x ForeverCore


The utility use .NET Core CLI usage style.

Usage: ForeverCore [options] [command]

  -?|-h|--help  Show help information

  start  Run and monitor the process specified

Use "ForeverCore [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The only available command is start

./ForeverCore start "path to process to run and arguments"

Options are:

  • -r: number of retries. If the process crash, the utility restarts it automatically. Default value is infinite (zero)
  • -p: port number where listen for HTTP commands. Default value is 6321

HTTP commands

Assuming your are on the same machine where utility is running, call http://localhost:6321/[command] via GET (ex. using the browser). Commands are:

  • stop: stop the process keeping the utility up and waiting for a new command;
  • start: start the process again if you previously stopped it using the stop command;
  • restart: force the process to stop and start again;
  • exit: force the process to stop and the utility to quit.

The following is a tipical utility output:


 Ricciolo - ForeverCore

Listening commands on http://+:6321
Process started!
...Demo process output...
Process started!
...Demo process output...
Restart requested
Process started!
...Demo process output...