
Feature Request: Perform validation in Sender Header if it is present and the validation with From Header fails

alan84mx opened this issue · 0 comments


There is a known problem with the forwarding of metting requests in Microsoft Outlook, where they are forwarded with the original organizer in the From Header and the person who is forwarding it is put in the Sender Header, which causes the DMARC validation to fail when it deals with different domains.

Although it is part of the normal operation of the DMARC protocol, common users do not understand why they are rejected or discarded.

This could be solved if as an optional (configurable) function in OpenDMARC a Sender Header revision was included, thus giving an additional function that each administrator could choose or not to activate in the configuration, for example "OnFailureCheckSenderHeader true"

Working as follows:
If the DMARC verification fails with the From Header and the email contains the Sender Header, perform the same validation that would be done with the From Header, but now with the Sender Header, and with this compute the action to take with the message.

I hope this comment is useful.
