This is the Trusted Domain Project's impementation of the DMARC protocol libary and mail filter, called OpenDMARC. A "milter" connects to unix-based mailers (originally, sendmail, but now many) and provides a standard filtering API.
- abokthKTH
- akmorp
- AntiFreezeBlank Slate Consulting Inc.
- cgxInverse
- damienmascreRenater
- EffectShapiro
- futatuki
- gkra
- hackerzyhMeHow
- jhcloos
- lasatGermany
- martinbogoTinker & Twist LLC
- mdomschNew York
- mskucherawyThe Trusted Domain Project
- Neustradamus
- patch-work
- pcza
- smwardle
- stewardle
- Swallowtail23
- thegushiBellingham, Washington
- vkiyan