The Penetration Testers Framework (PTF) is a way for modular support for up-to-date tools.
- 1
zaproxy contains log4j exploit code
#599 opened by BustedSec - 0
seclist: Broken `cp` command after install
#616 opened by jeffmcjunkin - 2
Is this project still maintained?
#618 opened by GlobularOne - 1
tion yml files
#611 opened by stoopy1954 - 6
The msfconsole is not working
#612 opened by nickaldwin - 2
- 0
Stuck on [*] Downloading IEEE OUI file...
#610 opened by tomvilakis - 1
Error after typing Install: Making the appropriate directory structure first mkdir: /pentest: Read-only file system(on macOS)
#604 opened by Nishit-ScRiPtDEV - 0
- 1
Printing that error. Get that error. You get it: [[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/pentest']
#600 opened by 7absec - 1
How to remove root@docker-ptf
#567 opened by pythodoc - 0
- 1
Depreciate Sparta for Legion
#594 opened by BustedSec - 1
installed tools not showing up
#595 opened by mirzoma - 1
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Fix for missing screenshots in sparta
#593 opened by tacocat31415 - 3
Not sure where to look for answer, but-
#591 opened by DanMeadWasTaken - 1
OpenVAS install script borked
#553 opened by BustedSec - 2
How can I contribute
#590 opened by hamzah-sajid-code - 1
/pentest file
#587 opened by technicalkrisg - 2
Error using tools
#584 opened by RenatoMG - 0
Can't find he file
#578 opened by khush-2106 - 3
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Does ptf expect Python v2.x?
#575 opened by NetwarSystem - 0
can't find thee the file
#579 opened by khush-2106 - 1
alpine linux support
#555 opened by peterclemenko - 1
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Ruler install doesn't work.
#566 opened by johanssontobbe - 1
dockerfile not setting up metasploit database
#551 opened by peterclemenko - 2
Mass Mailer Attack
#562 opened by Usmanjibril09 - 4
Installing Metasploit
#573 opened by MunalAdhikari - 2
Python3 python-pip cannot be found
#572 opened by okoester - 2
Empire fails to load if you use update_install_all
#556 opened by techbud - 0
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#554 opened by supunhg - 4
Cant log in
#552 opened by Krizsan0596 - 0
Kismet stuck in upgrade failure
#548 opened by abedra - 4
unable to run metasploit
#538 opened by sivakoti1945 - 3
Cant read harvested ID and PW
#528 opened by boosear - 5
issues with modules/post-exploitation/unicorn
#530 opened by Xeteskian - 4
pip install always fails with the same error output
#531 opened by devatnull - 1
Load thrid party module doesnt apper
#533 opened by arturo-dev - 1
Could not create file during SoapUI install
#535 opened by Quux-NL - 14
ASCII codec can't encode characters
#526 opened by mubix - 2
404 with python-pexpect
#525 opened by mubix - 7
revive `use` without category names
#523 opened by ypcrts - 0
credential harvester showing tracebacks
#521 opened by pranjal-oss - 1
Kismet Git Repo
#516 opened by RaiderBW - 1
dot11decrypt After Commands Update
#517 opened by RaiderBW - 1