ERC20 Token Deployment

Deploys a Burnable ERC20 token contract with the given name, symbol and initial supply.

This contract is Pausable by TARGET_OWNER.


Uses Hardhat, as recommended in OpenZeppelin's Deploying and interacting guide.

  1. cp .env.example .env and adapt
  2. npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <rinkeby|mainnet>


You can use the Hardhat console. The contract's address is output by the deployment script, and its ABI can be found at ./artifacts/contracts/FCLToken.sol/FCLToken.json.

[signer] = await ethers.getSigners()
contract = new ethers.Contract(address, abi, signer)

Verifying in Etherscan

Uses Hardhat's Etherscan plugin.

  1. Set ETHERSCAN_API_KEY in your .env file
  2. Run npx hardhat verify --network <rinkeby|mainnet> <contract address> "<TOKEN_NAME>" "<TOKEN_SYMBOL>" "<TOKEN_INITIAL_SUPPLY>" "<TARGET_OWNER>"