
DP-Rewrite: Towards Reproducibility and Transparency in Differentially Private Text Rewriting

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

DP-Rewrite: Towards Reproducibility and Transparency in Differentially Private Text Rewriting


DP-Rewrite consists of command-line tools (later APIs) to easily perform differentially private text rewriting on a given dataset. Implemented with PyTorch, our library provides models and out-of-the-box datasets for running experiments with differential privacy to provide rigorous privacy guarantees. Concretely, we provide tools for pre-training a text rewriting model (most commonly an autoencoder), rewriting a dataset with differential privacy using this pre-trained model, and running downstream experiments on original and rewritten datasets. Additionally, our library allows for the seamless incorporation of custom datasets and custom models into the framework.


Please use the following citation

    title     = {{DP-Rewrite: Towards Reproducibility and Transparency
                  in Differentially Private Text Rewriting}},
    author    = {Igamberdiev, Timour and Arnold, Thomas and
                 Habernal, Ivan},
    publisher = {International Committee on Computational
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th International Conference
                 on Computational Linguistics},
    pages     = {2927--2933},
    year      = {2022},
    address   = {Gyeongju, Republic of Korea}


$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Start: Running Experiments

Steps to running an experiment:

  1. Choose a mode (pretrain, rewrite, or downstream, see Modes below for more details).
  2. Choose a model. Currently only adept is available for pre-training and rewriting, and bert_downstream for downstream classification.
  3. Choose a desired dataset (see Custom Datasets below if you want to use your own dataset).
  4. Specify a name for your experiment with --name. This will be the folder name associated with your experiment where checkpoints, configuration info, learning curves, various statistics and rewritten data will be saved to.
  5. Specify two main directories: (1) --output_dir where the above folder will be saved and (2) asset_dir where datasets will be loaded from. See Directories below for more information.
  6. Finally, you can configure additional hyperparameters for the experiment such as --batch_size and --learning_rate. For a complete list of available arguments, you can run python main.py -h.

For sample experiment runs, please look at the shell scripts provided in sample_scripts. These contain test commands covering the most important basic arguments.

Additionally, if you are on a machine with low resources, you can specify --local True, setting --local_iter_size to the desired number of iterations per epoch to run the model.

Please read the short introduction about the three available modes below.


There are 3 modes of experiments:

  1. pretrain: This is used for training/fine-tuning an autoencoder model on some data.
  2. rewrite: This is used for loading a checkpoint of an autoencoder model (provide the checkpoint with param last_checkpoint_path) and running it over a whole data set (= rewriting the dataset).
  3. downstream: This is used for training and/or evaluating a downstream model on some data. Can be done on the raw datasets we provide (see below) or on rewritten data (use parameters --dataset custom and provide the associated path with --custom_train_path, as well as optionally --custom_valid_path and --custom_test_path). More information in Custom Datasets below.

Pre-defined Experiments

Optionally, it is possible to specify a pre-defined experiment with --experiment which simplifies the above Quick Start process by pre-selecting parameters associated with a given experiment (e.g. mode, model, etc.).

If using a pre-defined experiment, any conflicting parameters specified will be overridden.

The specific list of parameters can be seen in prepare_specific_experiment of utils.py. The currently available experiments are outlined below:

Experiment name Description
adept_l2norm_pretrain Our implementation of the original pre-training procedure used in ADePT
adept_l1norm_pretrain Modified ADePT pre-training procedure based on https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03175
adept_l2norm_rewrite Our implementation of the original rewriting procedure used in ADePT
adept_l1norm_rewrite Modified ADePT rewriting procedure from https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03175

Available Datasets

All available datasets will be downloaded and preprocessed automatically to fit the required CVS format.

Dataset Name Description Reference
imdb Dataset commonly used for binary sentiment classification. Split: 25,000 train, 25,000 test examples. Original source: https://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/
Fetched from: https://huggingface.co/datasets/imdb
Paper citation: Maas et al., 2011
atis Airline Travel Information Systems (ATIS) dataset, originally consisting of audio recordings and manual transcripts related to flight reservations, meant for the tasks of intent detection and slot filling. Here we include the manual transcripts and intent labels of the dataset. Split: 4,478 train, 500 development and 893 test examples. Original source: https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/tree/master/Examples/LanguageUnderstanding/ATIS/Data
Paper citation: Dahl et al., 1994
snips_2016 Dataset collected for the Snips personal assistant, used for an NLU benchmark from 2016. No pre-defined dataset split, 328 examples in total. Original source: https://github.com/sonos/nlu-benchmark/tree/master/2016-12-built-in-intents
Fetched from: https://huggingface.co/datasets/snips_built_in_intents
snips_2017 Dataset collected from the Snips personal voice assistant, used for an NLU benchmark from 2017. Split: 13,084 train, 700 development and 700 test examples. Original source: https://github.com/sonos/nlu-benchmark/tree/master/2017-06-custom-intent-engines
Paper citation: Coucke et al., 2018
drugscom_reviews_rating Original dataset consists of patient reviews on specific drugs and patients' related conditions, along with a rating out of 10 stars on overall satisfaction. Processed here to only include 'review' and 'rating' columns from the original dataset. Split: 161,297 train, 53,766 test examples. Source: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Drug+Review+Dataset+%28Drugs.com%29
Paper citation: Gräßer et al. 2018
drugscom_reviews_condition Original dataset consists of patient reviews on specific drugs and patients' related conditions, along with a rating out of 10 stars on overall satisfaction. Processed here to only include 'review' and 'condition' columns from the original dataset. Split: 161,297 train, 53,766 test examples. Source: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Drug+Review+Dataset+%28Drugs.com%29
Paper citation: Gräßer et al. 2018
reddit_mental_health Dataset consisting of posts from 28 subreddits from 2018-2020, with 15 of the subreddits being from mental health support groups. Processed here to only include 'subreddit' and 'post' columns from the original dataset. Split: 6,467,760 train. Source: https://zenodo.org/record/3941387
Paper citation: Low et al. 2020
amazon_reviews_books Large dataset consisting of customer reviews on products from Amazon.com from 1995 until 2015. Here the subset 'Books_v1_00' is used, consisting of reviews in the Books product category. Processed here to only include 'star_rating' and 'review_body' columns. Split: 10,319,090 train. Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazon-reviews-pds/readme.html
Fetched from: https://huggingface.co/datasets/amazon_us_reviews
wikipedia Currently using the Wikipedia dump from May 1, 2020. Fetched from: https://huggingface.co/datasets/wikipedia
openwebtext Dataset created as an open-source version of WebText from OpenAI. Original source: https://skylion007.github.io/OpenWebTextCorpus/
Fetched from: https://huggingface.co/datasets/openwebtext

Custom Datasets

If you want to use your own dataset:

  • Please specify --dataset custom, along with --custom_train_path (also optionally --custom_valid_path and --custom_test_path).
  • If --custom_valid_path is not provided, training and validation sets will be prepared from the training path, with split ratio according to --train_split_ratio.
  • Datasets should be in CSV format, with one column for 'text', and optionally a second column for 'labels'. If --prepend_labels is True, labels will be prepended to each row's text for pretrain and rewrite modes.
  • Test data is not used for the pretrain mode.

Available Models


Model Name Description Author
adept Our reference implementation of Adept. As the Adept paper lacks info about the exact network structure, some architecture decisions were made by us. Timour

Downstream Models

Model Name Description Author
bert_downstream A BERT model with a feedforward head (output dimension based on the number of classes in the dataset). The specific type of transformer can be specified with --transformer_type. Timour

Custom Models

It is also possible to include a custom model for the experiments. The procedure is as follows:

  • Depending on whether the model is RNN- or Transformer-based, fill out the CustomModel_RNN or CustomModel_Transformer classes, respectively. These can be found in models/autoencoders/custom.py.
  • Alternatively, a user-made model class can inherit from these custom classes.
  • The expected inputs/outputs of the forward method are specified in the docstrings of these custom model classes.
    • CustomModel_RNN:
      • Input: Dictionary of input values with key-value pairs as follows:
        • input_ids: torch.LongTensor (batch_size X seq_len)
        • lengths: torch.LongTensor (batch_size)
        • teacher_forcing_ratio: float
      • Return:
        • torch.DoubleTensor (batch_size X seq_len-1 X vocab_size+4)
    • CustomModel_Transformer:
      • Input: Dictionary of input values with key-value pairs as follows:
        • input_ids: torch.LongTensor (batch_size X seq_len)
        • attention_mask: torch.LongTensor (batch_size X seq_len)
      • Return:
        • torch.DoubleTensor (batch_size X seq_len-1 X vocab_size)
  • Any new arguments required for the model that are not currently part of the framework can be added with the CMD argument --custom_model_arguments, which will be available as a list under the custom model class self.config.custom_config_list variable.
    • E.g. --custom_model_arguments alpha beta gamma --> self.config.custom_config_list == ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']

Project Structure

  • assets sub-folders contain the (raw) data of training datasets and embeddings.
  • models
    • autoencoders contains all (PyTorch) autoencoder models that are used to privatize the data, each in its own python file.
    • downstream_models contains all (PyTorch) models that tackle a downstream task, each in its own python file. They can be used with original or rewritten data.
  • sample_scripts contains tests for different datasets and experiments.
  • download.py can be used to download datasets and embeddings to the assets folder.
  • dataload.py is the main dataloading script which prepares existing and custom datasets.
  • experiments.py contains three types of "experiments" and the main training/evaluation loops for the framework.
  • main.py can be executed from the command line with arguments to run experiments (see Quick Start above).
  • preprocessing.py contains preprocessing pipelines that transform the data according to a model's needs. Separate pipelines are implemented for transformer and RNN-based models.
  • settings.py specifies all the arguments that main.py can be run with.
  • utils.py contains additional helper functions and classes (e.g. EarlyStopping)



If you want to use the default folders in the project structure for data, logs, stats, and so on, you don't need to specify any paths for using autoencoders and you only need to specify embed_dir_unprocessed if you want to train/use an RNN-based model with pre-trained embeddings (--embed_type as glove or word2vec).

If you want to load the project in an IDE, it's a good idea to set output_dir & asset_dir to paths outside the project folders, as some IDEs will take very long to index large amounts of data that may be written into these folders.


Output directories:

  • output_dir: Stats & logs (defaults to <project_root>/results)
  • dump_dir: Directory for things that might need much storage (e.g., model checkpoints & rewritten data) (defaults to output_dir)
  • In each of these directories, data will be written to a custom experiment name (if none is given, this is set to the current timestamp)

Input directories:

  • asset_dir: Where to look for assets like datasets and processed embeddings (defaults to <project_root>/assets)
  • embed_dir_unprocessed: Where to look for pre-trained word embeddings when using RNN-based models.
    • Specify the actual path of the embeddings, not the parent folder.
    • 'Unprocessed' refers to the original word embedding models, not modified for specific experiments (e.g. subsampled vocabularies based on frequency in a given dataset). The 'processed' embedding directory is automatically created under asset_dir during preprocessing.
  • data_dir: If you store your data somewhere else than the other assets, you can specify the path here (defaults to asset_dir)

All paths should be specified as global paths.