To improve knowledge and expose error.

Please join the fight by planning and implementing with us.

The world has information but also misinformation. If truth and error are indistinguishable, then trust is undermined and hope is lost; learning is abandoned. That is the aim of this project: to create tools for distinguishing truth from error.

Truth is attacked by: lies and exaggeration, censorship, biases, conflicts of interest, inaccuracy, bad journalism (inaccurate restatement), bad logic, and bad sources. The truthchain project is to provide tools for inspecting and evaluating information.

What is truth?

If you know what truth is, then you know that all we have on Earth is hearsay. Beyond our own senses and observations, we can only trust the words of others. The only truth is what we can see; everything else is hearsay: claims.

To evaluate a claim, you must evaluate the source (a person, typically).. If the source is not known, then you don't have a claim; you have a topic. In our context, a claim is what's entered into our system, and we require authorship for every claim, based on cryptography: public/private keys and digital signatures.

With cryptography, a digital signature proves authorship (that the author of the signed claim is the person who had the private key). Every claim gets a content-hash ID like with IPFS, and a (claimed) date is included in the hashed content. This guarantees that references to the claim always refer to the same unchanging information. There must also be cryptographic timestamp services. This way we can know the "who" and "when" of a claim.

Everything else is built from this. This won't be easy. There will be hurdles and technical challenges. But if this is something you care about, then join our effort.

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