
🦠🐘 COVID-19 data and statistics

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This is an unofficial mirror of the Public Health Agency of Sweden's (Folkhälsomyndigheten) COVID-19 historical death data.

The data is updated automatically at 14:10 everyday by the update.R script, which fetches data from the Excel file published at https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/smittskydd-beredskap/utbrott/aktuella-utbrott/covid-19/bekraftade-fall-i-sverige/

Read-only access to the PostgreSQL database at c19.truthly.com is publicly available without any password.

PostgreSQL is completely free and can be downloaded from https://www.postgresql.org/download/

Once installed, you can connect to the database by opening up Terminal and executing:

psql -U c19 -h c19.truthly.com c19

Once logged in to the PostgreSQL database, you can execute SQL queries using the deaths table:

    MAX(report_date) AS last_report_date,
    MAX(deaths) AS max_per_day,
    MAX(death_date)-MIN(death_date) AS death_days
FROM deaths
WHERE report_date = (SELECT MAX(report_date) FROM deaths);
 last_report_date | max_per_day | sum  | death_days
 2020-04-23       |         111 | 2006 |         43
(1 row)

Below are three graphs generated by the lageffect.R script in this repo. GraphA GraphB GraphC