
roast helps you group and manage entries in your hosts file

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Roast Build Status

Roast helps you manage entries in your /etc/hosts file. Roast allows you to group entries together in a named group and disable/enable them all at once. It's pretty useful if you work with a lot of entries in your hosts file and find it annoying to constantly be enabled/editing your hosts file manually.


$ gem install roast


Roast has a decent set of commands available:

list                list the entries in the hosts file          alias: l
add                 adds a new entry to the hosts file          alias: a
enable              enables a disabled (commented out) entry    alias: e
enable-group        enables an entire group                     alias: eg
disable             disables an entry (comments it out)         alias: d
disable-group       disables an entire group                    alias: dg
delete              deletes an entry entirely
delete-group        deletes an enitre group

a few of the commands have aliases, they are listed to the right


A few examples of using roast to manage your /etc/hosts file:

# list all entires
$ roast list

# add an entry to the base group
$ sudo roast add something.dev

# add an entry to the "testing" group
$ sudo roast add testing exampleapp.dev

# add an entry to the "testing" group via another hostname (resolve the ip)
$ sudo roast add testing example.org exampleapp.dev

# disable all entries with the ip ""
$ sudo roast disable

# delete an entry entirely
$ sudo roast delete exampleapp.dev

notice that you can list entries without sudo, but editing the hosts file does require sudo


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request