
Plex Google Music Plugin

Primary LanguagePython


Plex Google Music Plugin

This is the Google Music plugin for Plex. There are a couple of things to note.

The version of gmusicapi I'm currently using is quite outdated. An attempt was made to update to 1.2.0, but it is Python 2.5-incompatible. Plex Media Server for Mac currently runs with Python 2.5, but Linux and Windows are 2.6+.

There are rumors of unifying the PMS plugin framework to 2.7+ across the board, but there is no ETA other than "soonish".

Thus, the goals for this project as of now are:

  • Focus on Windows and Linux development with the latest gmusicapi
  • Hash out the plugin layout and core functionality
  • Add Mac support using an older version of gmusicapi and attempt to make the differences transparent
  • Once Plex unifies the plugin framework I will do the same with the plugin

Current plugin status: WORKING