
Data+resource pack for viewing inside of shulker boxes in your inventory

Primary Languagemcfunction


Version Download
Minecraft 1.21 Data Pack
Resource Pack
Minecraft 1.20.5 Data Pack
Resource Pack
Minecraft 1.19 Data Pack
Resource Pack
Minecraft 1.18 Data Pack
Resource Pack
Minecraft 1.17 Data Pack
Resource Pack
Minecraft 1.16 Data Pack
Resource Pack
Minecraft 1.15 Data Pack
Resource Pack
Minecraft 1.14.3 Data Pack
Resource Pack

How to use

  1. Download the data pack and resource pack for your Minecraft version.
  2. Add the data pack to your world.
    • Open your world's folder.
    • Select your world
      Open World Folder
    • Drag the data pack zip from your Downloads folder to the datapacks folder in your world.

  3. Equip the resource pack.
    • Go to the resource packs screen.
    • Options...
      Resource Packs...
    • Drag the resource pack zip from your Downloads folder onto the screen.
    • Yes
    • Move the pack from Available to Selected
    • Select the pack
  4. Enter your world and enjoy!


  • Does this work with Bukkit/Spigot/Paper?
    • No guarantees. I have experienced countless issues with these modded servers breaking vanilla behavior that this pack requires.
  • Does this work with Optifine?
    • Yes.
  • Does this work with other resource packs?
    • Items in the preview will look as they do in your personal resource pack, but blocks will appear with vanilla textures.
  • What happens if players don't have the resource pack?
    • They will see the vanilla shulker box tooltip, though it may contain a few extra lines.
  • How do I enable/disable ender chest previews?
    • Run /function tryashtar.shulker_preview:config/show_settings and click the buttons to toggle this feature.
  • How do I completely uninstall the pack?
    • After disabling or removing the pack, the following artifacts will remain and must be cleared manually:
      • The shulker_preview scoreboard objective. This can be removed with /scoreboard objectives remove shulker_preview.
      • The temporary values saved to NBT storage. This can be removed by deleting the command_storage_tryashtar.shulker_preview.dat file from your world's data folder.
      • Any existing shulker boxes will still show the preview in the tooltip. To remove it, simply place and break the shulker box after the pack has been disabled.
  • It's not working for me!
    • First, please follow these instructions to diagnose and solve some very common issues.
    • If that didn't fix your problem, feel free to message me on twitter (@tryashtar) or discord (@tryashtar) and I will be happy to help.


Current 1.21 version
+ All 1.21 items

Current 1.20 version
+ All 1.20 items
+ All 1.21 experimental items
+ Use "fallback" feature instead of old translation-detection trick
+ Fixed artifacts in some mangrove block textures
+ Armor trims show on trimmed items
+ Decorated pots show their patterns
+ All colorable items show exact colors
+ Bundles show their fill percentage
+ Option for colored tooltips
+ Ender chest previews are now enabled by default
+ Use storage instead of entities to construct tooltip
+ Use macros instead of function trees to generate translations
+ Tooltip and number textures come from your resource pack

Current 1.19 version
+ All 1.19 items

Current 1.18 version
+ All 1.18 items (all one of them)

Current 1.17 version
+ All 1.17 items
+ Unknown items show a missing texture instead of messing up the order
+ No longer requires forceloaded chunk

Current 1.16 version
+ All 1.16 items
+ Now uses custom font, preventing potential private use conflicts
+ Item textures use the player's current resource pack
+ Banners and shields show their pattern
+ Custom colored armor, potions, etc. show approximate colors
+ When ender chest previews are enabled, ender chests showing the same preview can stack
+ New settings menu for toggling previews for shulker boxes and ender chests

Current 1.15 version
+ All 1.15 items
+ When Bukkit server is detected, switches to slower but fewer-character lore generation method
+ Detects when Bukkit mangles lore, and adds text to the tooltip notifying you

Current 1.14 version
+ All 1.14 items
+ Option to preview ender chests
+ Optifine compatibility
+ No longer crashes on certain graphics cards
+ Show custom item name in tooltip
+ More accurate durability bars
+ Data pack no longer requires clicking forceload text
+ Default Minecraft tooltip appears for players without the pack

Video release
+ Dropped shulker box items are processed

Initial release (reddit)