Obsidian Activity Plugin

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This is a plugin for Obsidian (https://obsidian.md).

This plugin is very young and written quickly, but can be used effectively with daily notes to keep a record of the work done and which files you continue to come back to.

Please open an issue for any bugs, feature requests, or feedback at https://github.com/trydalch/obsidian-daily-activity/issues/new


Command Description
Links to Files Created Today Inserts a list of links to files created today
Links to Files Modified Today Inserts a list of links to files modified today
Plain Text List of Files Created Today Inserts a list of files created today
Plain Text List of Files Modified Today Inserts a list of files modified today
Stats for date Inserts a table with counts of files modified & files created by date. Defaults for today, but dates can be specified by selecting them in the editor. Supports natural language dates See below for an example.
(Deprecated) Today's Stats Inserts a table containing stats from today's writing activity. <br> Will be removed in future version


  • Stats for date

    • No selection: Outputs stats for today
    • yesterday: Stats for yesterday
    • 2021-02-20: Stats for 2021-02-20
    • 2021-02-15 to 2021-02-20: Stats between those dates, inclusive range.
    • 5 days ago to today: Stats for that range

    For more examples of natural language date formats, see here: https://github.com/wanasit/chrono


  • Add Activity Stats Command (# files created, # modified)
  • Add option to insert stats for dates
  • Add stats for date range
  • Add support for natural language dates
  • Add templating
  • Add filtering stats by tag