uRTS is a tiny, HTML5 canvas real-time strategy game. It was built entirely on the web — starting as a jsFiddle, then graduating to GitHub and Cloud9 once it was big enough.
Central coordinator. Manages configuration and running of all game systems.
Controls various aspects of game, such as rendering, interaction, and AI.
Defines the entities and systems needed for a particular configuration of the game.
Collects raw keyboard/mouse input and translates it into meaningful game control.
Draws the user interface details and sets up e.g., button controls.
WebGL/THREE.js entity rendering.
Unity3D-inspired entity/component framework.
- Expand terrain generation, especially feature selection (trees, water, rocks)
- Add interesting low-poly meshes. Rendering/shading very important here.
- Build actual RTS UI/UX
- Play with AI, especially Utility Theory (Game Coding Complete, p630)
- Improve pathing -- navmeshes, flocking, "flow fields" (ala SC 2)
- Explore "chunking". Infinite-map sandbox+RTS could be cool.
- Reconsider fog-of-war. Does it make sense in an "infinite" map?
- http://opengameart.org/content/svg-inventory-icons
- http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/crowd-flows/continuum-crowds.pdf
- http://processingjs.org/learning/topic/flocking/
- http://dice.se/wp-content/uploads/GDC12_Terrain_in_Battlefield3.pdf
- David Pittman's GOAP Masters Thesis
- http://web.media.mit.edu/~jorkin/gdc2006_orkin_jeff_fear.pdf