Who's watching

This extension provides a "Viewer" attribute showing the users that are actively viewing the record.

Viewer attribute

Working on the extension

Install aha-cli:

npm install -g aha-cli

Clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:trydionel/whos-watching-extension.git

Note: In order to install an extension into your Aha! Develop account, you must be an account administrator.

Install the extension into Aha! and set up a watcher:

aha extension:install
aha extension:watch

Now, any change you make inside your working copy will automatically take effect in your Aha! account.


When you have finished working on your extension, package it into a .gz file so that others can install it:

aha extension:build

After building, you can upload the .gz file to a publicly accessible URL, such as a GitHub release, so that others can install it using that URL.

To learn more about developing Aha! Develop extensions, including the API reference, the full documentation is located here: Aha! Develop Extension API