###Bootstrap Component for Aurelia
Aurelia Bootstrap is a series of Custom Element and Custom Attributes that provide Bootstrap components native to Aurelia. Please check our documentation for installation details and the reference manual: ####https://tochoromero.github.io/aurelia-bootstrap/
###Avilable Components:
- Accordion
- Buttons
- Collapse
- Dropdown
- Pagination
- Popover
- Tabs
- Tooltip
- Typeahead
###Release Notes
- Use 'show' classes according to Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6.
- Add styles for pagination with Bootstrap 4.
- Provide a way to add custom css classes to tooltips.
####0.1.16 Check if we have an actual popover object when detaching the Popover before setting the display to none.
####0.1.15 Handle Custom Popovers better when the same popover is used in multiple elements.
####0.1.14 Typeahead tweaks and the documentation for it is now live.
####0.1.13 New Typehead component. Allow you to have an input with a list of filterable suggestions.
####0.1.12 All the component default values are globally configurable. Please check the documentation for more details.