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Ansible Dynamic Inventory for Morpheus


Ansible <= 2.9


This has been tested both with the EPEL and pip installed versions of Ansible, so this method should be fairly portable.

If it doesn't exist, create the directory /usr/share/ansible/plugins/inventory

mkdir -p /usr/share/ansible/plugins/inventory

Download the Ansible Morpheus Collection tarball

From the tarball, copy the plugins/inventory/ file to the /usr/share/ansible/plugins/inventory directory.

cp plugins/inventory/ /usr/share/ansible/plugins/inventory/

Run ansible-doc to confirm installation

ansible-doc -t inventory -l | grep morpheus

When using this module with Ansible <= 2.9, you will refer to the module in your YAML file as:

plugin: morpheus_inventory

Ansible >= 2.10

Download the Ansible Morpheus Collection tarball

Install the collection through Ansible

ansible-galaxy collection install <tarball>

Run ansible-doc to confirm installation

ansible-doc -t inventory -l | grep morpheus

When using this module as a collection with Ansible >= 2.10, refer to the module in your YAML file as:

plugin: morpheusdata.morpheus.morpheus_inventory


Within Morpheus, the dynamic inventory plugin will query the API and return a set of targets based on your search and organaizational criteria.

Inventory Variables

Name Required Description
plugin yes Use morpheus_inventory to activate the plugin
groups yes
name yes Required except for cloud search types
searchtype yes Search type for host matching. Values: label, name, app, cloud, tag
searchstring yes Search string - the app and tag types uses this as a list, otherwise it is a string
morpheus_url yes Morpheus URL
morpheus_api_key yes Required for Morpheus versions <= 5.0.0
morpheus_ssl_verify no Option to disable ssl verification, defaults to True


Morpheus versions <= 5.0.0 require an API token in the inventory file to provide access to the Morpheus API. Look in the Examples section for an example using Ansible Vault.


Use in Morpheus

Create an Ansible Task in Morpheus and specify the playbook you wish to run. Set the Execute Target to Local.

In Command Options specify -i <relative path>/morpheusinv.yml

This will process morpheusinv.yml as a dynamic inventory using the specified plugin.


This plugin requires the Morpheus agent on target hosts due to credential storage methods in Morpheus.

Name or Label

Name searches are a simple text match. If your string is in the name anywhere, it will match. Label must match exactly, but is case insensitive.


plugin: morpheus_inventory
  - name: morphtest
    searchtype: label
    searchstring: whateverlabel
morpheus_url: <your morpheus URL>
morpheus_api_key: <your API key>

This will create a group morphtest and add any instances that have the label whateverlabel applied in Morpheus.


The tag search requires a tag name and value to be specified to add instances to a specified group.


plugin: morpheus_inventory
  - name: dockerhosts
    searchtype: tag
      tagName: servertype
      tagValue: docker
  - name: morpheus_ui
    searchtype: tag
      tagName: application
      tagValue: morpheus
morpheus_url: <your morpheus URL>
morpheus_api_key: <your API key>

This will create 2 groups. Instances tagged with a servertype tag with a value of docker will be put into the dockerhosts group. Instances tagged with an application tag with a value of morpheus will be put into the morpheus_ui group.


The App search type will create a group named name out of the instances in the apptier tier of app appname.


plugin: morpheus_inventory
  - name: ui
    searchtype: app
      appname: 2tier
      apptier: UI
  - name: db
    searchtype: app
      appname: 2tier
      apptier: Database
morpheus_url: <your morpheus URL>
morpheus_api_key: <your API key>

This will create two groups: ui and db. ui will contain instances from the UI tier of the 2tier application that was deployed in Morpheus from a blueprint. db will contain instances from the Database tier of the 2tier application.


Cloud types will match the searchstring against the cloud code or id and generate groups based on remote tags as <key>_<value>. It will also generate groups based on platform as seen by the Morpheus agent. Unknown or agent-less VMs will appear under the platform_undetected group.


plugin: morpheus_inventory
  - searchtype: cloud
    searchstring: vmware
morpheus_url: <your morpheus URL>
morpheus_api_key: <your API key>

Token Requirement

Since the inventory file will need to be stored in a git repository, it is not advised to store it in plain text.

We suggest encrypting the API token with Ansible Vault with the vault password stored in a file on the Morpheus UI server(s).

Acquire a token by going in your Morpheus user settings and clicking the API Access button. Any entry will be sufficient. Regenerate an Access Token and copy it.

On your Morpheus server, create a directory under /var/opt/morpheus/morpheus-ui to store the Ansible vault password. Restrict permissions on this directory to the Morpheus user that runs Ansible: morpheus-local

install -o morpheus-local -g morpheus-local -m 0770 -d /var/opt/morpheus/morpheus-ui/ansiblevault

In your task, specify --vault-password-file /var/opt/morpheus/morpheus-ui/ansiblevault/<file> in order to use the password.

Information on encrypting strings and variables for ansible is located HERE