Bot is working but the interface is still work in progress. This is work in progress
Instagram auto like bot with web interface using nodejs, jquery, javascript and instagram api.
Step-1 Install nodejs on your computer
Step-2 Download the zip
Step-3 Register your api on instagram developer, Just google instagram developer. When You register you should have following configs there
WEBSITE URL http://localhost:3000/ REDIRECT URI http://localhost:3000/handleauth
Step4 Go to this folder /Downloads/instagram-bot-api-master/bot
and create a new file. Name it instaConfig.js
Contents instaConfig.js
exports.client_id = 'XXXXXXXXXX'; exports.client_secret = 'XXXXXXXXX'; exports.redirect_uri = 'http://localhost:3000/handleauth';
Important When you register your instagram app, wait for at least 24 hours before you start autoliking other instagram will ban that app.
Even if your app is banned, register another app and wait for 24 hours !
{ [Error: APIError: We've taken extra measures to protect the Instagram API from abnormal activity. Since you have recently created your API application, please contact to receive whitelisting for a higher rate limit.]
Go to this folder
sudo npm install node app.js
Last-Step Go to the browser localhost:3000
All Done !