
Get a Delaunay triangulation given some points.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Get a delaunay triangulation for a given collection of points.


[trystan/delaunay-triangulation "1.0.1"]


There's only one usefull function, triangulate. It takes a collection of points and returns a map with :points, :edges, and :triangles. Each point is a vector of two coordinates, each edges is a vector of two points, and each triangle is a vector of three points.

(ns example.core
  (:require [delaunay-triangulation.core :as delaunay]))

(let [points [[2 3] [-4 9.3] [4 3] [2 2]]
      {:keys [points edges triangles]} (delaunay/triangulate points)]
  (println "point" (first points))
  (println "edge" (first edges))
  (println "triangle" (first triangles)))

#=> point [2.0 3.0]
#=> edge [[2.0 3.0] [4.0 3.0]]
#=> triangle [[2.0 3.0] [4.0 3.0] [2.0 2.0]]


Copyright © 2015 Trystan

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.