
A simple php/mysql comment system meant to be easy to implement.

Primary LanguagePHP

Master Comments System

This is a very compact comments system with basic options:

  • Comments can be accepted from all users or only registered users.
  • Admin can Edit/Delete/Ban.
  • Users can Edit/Delete their last posted comment.
  • Admin can view the IP/Browser of the user who posted the comment.
  • Easy integration in any kind of script.
  • It's meant to be easy to use for basic usage, very compact and flexible.

How to use

include 'comments.class.php';

$db_details = array(
	'db_host' => 'localhost',
	'db_user' => 'root',
	'db_pass' => '',
	'db_name' => 'test'

$page_id = 1;

$comments = new Comments_System($db_details);


	echo "<div class='alert alert-success' id='comm_status'>".$comments->success."</div>";
else if($comments->error)
	echo "<div class='alert alert-error' id='comm_status'>".$comments->error."</div>";

// a simple form
echo $comments->generateForm();

// we show the posted comments
echo $comments->generateComments($page_id); // we pass the page id

You have lots of settings you can tweak

	var $settings = array(
			'comments_table' => '_comments', // the name of the table in which the comments will be hold
			'banned_table' => '_banned', // the name of the table in which the comments will be hold
			'auto_install' => true, // if the class is not already installed it will attempt to install it
			'public' => true, // if true unregistered users are allowed to post a comment
			'optional_email' => false, // if true users don't need to enter a valid email
			'isAdmin' => false, // if true some extra options are displyed delete
			'adminStyle' => array( // special formating to admin messages
				'username' => 'color: #0000ff; font-weidth: bold;', 
				'box' => 'background-color: #FFFCDD'
			'user_details' => array( // if public is false we use this user details to the added message
				'name' => 'user',
				'email' => 'not_reply@gmail.com', 
			'sort' => 'ORDER BY `id` DESC', // the sort, this is pasted as is so make sure it is parsed





Any contribution is gladly welcomed.
This is still in early stages so if you find bugs you can report bugs here