As you can see, this is dotfiles (for unix).
- neovim
- tmux
- zsh (z, fzf)
- [other] (bat, fuck, trans, shellcheck)
In order to apply p10k-setup, you need to relogin.
cd dotfiles && ./install
# for zshrc
rm ~/.zshrc*
ln -sf $(pwd)/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
# for powerlevel10k
# for neovim
nvim --headless -c "exit"
Features | Plugins |
Plugin Management | lazy.nvim |
Fuzzy Finder | telescope.nvim |
Syntac Highlight | nvim-treesitter |
Filer | fern.vim |
Registers | registers.nvim |
Bufferline | bufferline.nvim |
Statusline | lualine.nvim |
Colorschemes | nightfox.nvim |
LSP | nvim-lspconfig + mason |
CMP | nvim-cmp |
Snipets | LuaSnip |
Debugger | nvim-dap |
Dashboard | dashboard-nvim |
Comment | nvim-comment |
Diagnostics | trouble.nvim |
Notification | noice.nvim |
Auto Pairs | nvim-surround, nvim-autopairs |
Indent-line | indent-blankline.nvim |
Splitting/Joining blocks | treesj |
Git Operation | neogit.nvim, gitsigns.nvim |
AI Support | ChatGPT.nvim |
Language Specific | ↓ |
Rust | rust.vim, rust-tools.nvim |
YARA | vim-syntax-yara |
Markdown | markdown-preview.nvim |