
NegatER: Unsupervised Discovery of Negatives in Commonsense Knowledge Bases (EMNLP 2021)

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the data and PyTorch implementation of the EMNLP 2021 paper NegatER: Generating Negatives in Commonsense Knowledge Bases by Mining Language Models by Tara Safavi, Jing Zhu, and Danai Koutra.

If you use our work, please cite us as follows:

    title = "{N}egat{ER}: {U}nsupervised {D}iscovery of {N}egatives in {C}ommonsense {K}nowledge {B}ases",
    author = "Safavi, Tara  and
      Zhu, Jing  and
      Koutra, Danai",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = nov,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2021.emnlp-main.456",
    pages = "5633--5646",

Quick start

Run the following to set up your virtual environment and install the Python requirements:

python3.7 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Since NegatER makes use of the FAISS library, you also need to install libomp and libopenblas. On Ubuntu, run the following:

apt install libopenblas-base libomp-dev

On OS X, run the following:

brew install libomp openblas


The repository includes both datasets used in our experiments:

  • data/conceptnet/full: The full ConceptNet benchmark from Li et al 2016, which comprises 100,000/2,400/2,400 train/validation/test triples across 34 relations and 78,334 unique phrases.
  • data/conceptnet/true-neg: The filtered ConceptNet dataset consisting of six relations that have true negative counterparts in the original benchmark. It comprises 36,210/3,278/3,278 train/validation/test triples across six relations and 41,528 unique phrases.


Each job (fine-tuning and/or negative generation) requires a YAML configuration file. The file config-default.yaml provides default configuration options across all jobs, alongside explanations of each configuration key. You can overwrite these options by creating your own config file.

Language model fine-tuning

To fine-tune a language model on a commonsense KB, use the src/fine_tune.py script:

usage: fine_tune.py [-h] [--action {train,test} [{train,test} ...]]
                    [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]

positional arguments:
  config_dir            Directory of job config file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --action {train,test} [{train,test} ...]
                        Default: ['train', 'test']
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Configuration filename in the specified config
                        directory. Default: 'config.yaml'

Here are some examples of commands you can run:

  • To fine-tune and test BERT-Base for on the full ConceptNet dataset using our given (best) config file, run the following:
    python src/fine_tune.py configs/conceptnet/full/classify/
  • To test your fine-tuned BERT-Base on the full ConceptNet dataset, run the following:
    python src/fine_tune.py configs/conceptnet/full/classify/ --action test
  • To fine-tune RoBERTa-Base instead of BERT on the full ConceptNet dataset, edit the configs/conceptnet/full/classify/config.yaml file as follows:
        pretrained_name: roberta-base
        test_checkpoint: roberta_best
    then run the following:
    python src/fine_tune.py configs/conceptnet/full/classify/
  • To fine-tune BERT with negative samples generated by the UNIFORM baseline on the filtered ConceptNet dataset, run the following:
    python src/fine_tune.py configs/conceptnet/true-neg/uniform/
  • To fine-tune BERT using the negative samples generated by NegatER-$\nabla$ on the filtered ConceptNet dataset, run the following:
    python src/fine_tune.py configs/conceptnet/true-neg/negater-gradients/

NegatER generation

To generate negatives given a language model fine-tuned on a commonsense KB, use the src/negater.py script:

usage: negater.py [-h] [--type {thresholds,full-gradients,proxy-gradients}]
                  [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]

positional arguments:
  config_dir            Directory of job config file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --type {thresholds,full-gradients,proxy-gradients}
                        Type of NegatER job to run: 'thresholds' for
                        NegatER-$\theta_r$, 'full-gradients' for
                        NegatER-$\nabla$ without the proxy, and 'proxy-
                        gradients' for NegatER-$\nabla$ with the proxy.
                        Default: 'thresholds'
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Configuration filename in the specified config
                        directory.Default: 'config.yaml'

Usage examples:

  • To generate negatives with NegatER-$\theta_r$ using our precomputed k-nearest-neighbors index for k=10, run the following:
    python src/negater.py configs/conceptnet/full/generate/ --type thresholds
  • To generate negatives with NegatER-$\nabla$ + the proxy approach, building and saving a new k-nearest-neighbors index for k=20, first modify the configs/conceptnet/full/generate/config.yaml file as follows:
        build: True
        k: 20
        save: True
    then run the following:
    python src/negater.py configs/conceptnet/full/generate/ --type proxy-gradients