./kontainer-driver-metadata --write-data=true
loads data under /rke into data/data.json- vendor changes into RKE
- rancher >=2.3 will listen on changes in data.json and load automatically
K8sVersionRKESystemImages map[string]v3.RKESystemImages
- introduce new k8s version along with required system images, exact version required (eg 1.13.5-rancher1-1)
K8sVersionServiceOptions map[string]v3.KubernetesServicesOptions
- mostly done on major k8s version basis, add minor specific version if needed
- preference order while reading, minor_version > major_version (eg 1.13.5-rancher1-2 > 1.13)
K8sVersionToRancherVersions / K8sVersionToRKEVersions minRKE, maxRKE, minRancher, maxRancher)
- exact version required (eg 1.13.5-rancher1-1)
- min and max versions are to limit, nil or "" will be considered as "allowed" for all rancher and rke versions
- add minRKE and maxRKE From RKE - Only versions that meet the requirements will be loaded for system images - K8sVersionsCurrent - max(minor_versions) for each major_version
- add minRancher and maxRancher From Rancher - Only versions that meet minRancher will be loaded for system images (not max, to handle upgrades) - K8sVersionsCurrent - max(minor_versions) for each major_version if maxVersion < rancherVersion
DefaultK8sVersions (RancherDefaultK8sVersions, RKEDefaultK8sVersions) map[string]string -- need to combine these in one --
- for every new rancher and rke version, add default k8s version
- mostly will be required to update when introducing a new k8s version
- if not present, rancher and rke will fallback on "default" key
K8sVersionedTemplates map[string]map[string]string
- map[addon_name]map[version_]template
- addon_names currently are : calico, canal, flannel, weave, coreDNS, kubeDNS, metricsServer, nginxIngress
- version_num are mostly major version (eg v1.13) or "default"
- can introduce minor version if required (eg v1.13.5)
- preference order while reading, minor_version > major_version > "default"
Follow same for K8sVersionWindowsSystemImages, K8sVersionWindowsServiceOptions from 1 and 2
For detailed explanations,
- data
- data.json
- rke
- templates
- calico
- coredns
- etc
- k8s_defaults
- k8s_rancher_rke_versions
- k8s_system_images
- k8s_service_options
- k8s_windows_defaults