
A template for structuring a large OpenAPI specification

Primary LanguageShell

Large OpenAPI template

A project layout template to design and maintain a large OpenAPI 3.0 spec and generate a single page HTML file as an output.


  • NodeJS (tested with 16.x) / npx
  • GNU Make
  • Bash (for create script)



Runs Redoc CLI in watch mode and serves the documentation on localhost:8080

make # defaults to write

Add endpoint

Using the templates in .template, create a new endpoint and add references in api.yaml

./create.bash <name> <directory>
  • name name of the endpoint to be created, this is used for tags, etc. Use singular, e.g. pet
  • directory where to put template output, e.g. pets. You can also use subdirectories, e.g. pets/dogs


Creates dist/LargeAPI.html

make build


Uses the IBM OpenAPI validator to lint the API spec.

make lint