
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Network Load Balancer Ingress for Application Load Balancer fronted AWS Fargate service

Fully inspired by https://containersonaws.com/pattern/nlb-ingress-alb-load-balancer-fargate-service-cdk


  • node (via nvm use)
  • pnpm (via corepack enable)
  • awscli (brew install awscli)
  • docker ?

⚠️ on MacOS Silicon, docker will build for an ARM and not AMD, then the service will never start properly

AWS creds

create an AWS account obviously

configure creds, replacing the profile with your chosen profile name

aws configure --profile tsamaya

Get started

clone the repo

pnpm install

# TODO once per account, per region: cdk bootstrap
npx cdk bootstrap aws://ACCOUNT-NUMBER-1/REGION-1 --profile tsamaya

npx cdk deploy \
 --all \
 --require-approval never --profile tsamaya

DNS_NAME=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --profile tsamaya --stack-name shared-resources --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='dns'].OutputValue" --output text) && echo $DNS_NAME

curl $DNS_NAME/


npx cdk destroy --all -f --profile tsamaya