generalize-dem toolbox contains tools for structural generalization and conflation of digital elevation models.
You need ArcGIS Pro (Python 3.6) or ArcGIS for Desktop 10.3+ (Python 2.7) with Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst extension modules to use the toolbox.
Download the latest release and extract the contents of ZIP archive. You should see generalize-dem.pyt
Python toolbox in the Catalog window pane of ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap:
Ten tools are contained in the toolbox:
Сalculate Distances Between Lines tool calculates Directed Hausdorff, Hausdorff and Frechét distances between correspoding lines in two feature classes.
Carve DEM along streams tool changes cell values in DEM so that elevation is monotonoysly decreasing along given lines.
Conflate DEM by Links tool performes rubbersheeting of DEM so that it becomes spatially adjusted with a given set of reference hydrographic lines.
Create Fishnet tool generates rectangular grids with overlapping or non-overlapping cells.
Extract Counterpart Streams tool finds path in drainage network that are similar to given reference hydrographic lines.
Extract Streams tool traces the streams using flow accumulation and length criteria.
Filter DEM tool performs filtering of DEM.
Generalize DEM tool performs structural generalization of raster digital elevation model
Generate Conflation Links tool generates conflation links between counterpart streams and reference hydrographic lines.
Widen Landforms tool allows widening of negative and positive terrain features, which can be very effective to improve visual analysis of generalized DEM.
You can find an example DEM in dem.gdb
geodatabase (please unzip gdb before using). Source dem is called simply dem
and generalized is called dem_gen
pybind11 library is used to compile stream extraction module.
A detailed description of the method can be found in the following papers:
Samsonov, T. (2011) Multiscale Hypsometric Mapping, in Ruas, A. (ed.) Advances in Cartography and GIScience. Vol.1: Selection from ICC-2011, Paris. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography), pp. 497–520. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19143-5_28
Samsonov, T. (2020) Automated Conflation of Digital Elevation Model with Reference Hydrographic Lines, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(5), 334. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi9050334.
To cite the software use the following reference:
Samsonov, T. (2020). Generalize DEM: ArcGIS Python toolbox for automated structural generalization and conflation of digital elevation models. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3813731
Development of this software is funded by Russian Science Foundation (RSF) grant No 19-77-00071
© 2010-2020, Timofey Samsonov, Lomonosov MSU Faculty of Geography.