
A framework for making command-line tools that utilize sub-commands (e.g. Git)

Primary LanguageRuby

Subcommander is a wrapper around Ruby's OptionParser class that allows you to have sub-commands like we see in Git and other tools. Subcommands can be nested so your subcommands can have subcommands. To get help for your tool, just type in the tool name with no sub-command (or the word "help" as a sub-command). To get help for a sub-command type:

your-tool help sub-command

More description coming... this is basically a placeholder for now.

Simple Example:

%w[rubygems subcommander].each { |m| require m }
include Subcommander

subcommander.version = '1.0.0'
subcommander.desc = "SimpleTool is ephemeral and only here to demonstrate Subcommander."

subcommand :run, "Runs the simple tool" do |sc|
  sc.opt :just_kidding, '-k', '--just-kidding', "Don't really run the simple tool"
  sc.exec {
    # This is where the subcommand has its implementation
    if sc[:just_kidding]
      puts "Not really running"
      puts "Running!"


Nested Subcommands Example:

%w[rubygems subcommander].each { |m| require m }
include Subcommander

subcommander.version = '1.0.0'
subcommander.desc = "ComplexTool is ephemeral and only here to demonstrate Subcommander."

subcommand :run, "Commands for running the complex tool" do |run|
  run.subcommand 'on-foot', "Run down the street" do |sc|
    sc.usage = "complextool run on-foot [-f | -s]"
    sc.opt :fast, '-f', '--fast', "Run fast!"
    sc.opt :slow, '-s', '--slow', "Run slow."
    sc.exec {
      speed = "at a normal pace"
      if sc[:fast]
        speed = 'fast'
      elsif sc[:slow]
        speed = 'slow'
      puts "We're running #{speed}"
  run.subcommand 'an-app', "Run an app" do |sc|
    sc.arity = 1
    sc.usage = "complextool run an-app NAME"
    sc.exec {
      app = sc[:args][0]
      puts "Running #{app}"



Properties you can set:

desc - A description of the tool you're using. It's printed at the beginning of help.

version - The version of the tool you're making. It's printed at the bottom of help.


Properties you can set:

arity - This says how many arguemnts are expected to be passed to this sub-command, excluding options and their arguemnts.

exec - The implementation for your sub-command should be in a block that's passed to this method.

help - Help that shows up when the user asks for help about the sub-command

opt - These are exactly the same as OptionParser opt.on() argument lists except the first argument is a token. When the option is invoked, it will put any option arguemnts that were passed into the subcommand keyed by that token. So subcommand[:yoursymbol] is where you'll find it when you're looking for it in your exec block.

subcommand - Allows your subcommand to have it's own subcommands.

usage - The typical usage pattern like "simple-tool [options] args"