
Scripts for squashing portage tree.

Primary LanguageShell


Scripts for squashing portage tree.

Based on solution from https://www.brunsware.de/blog/gentoo/portage-tree-squashfs-overlayfs.html

It is important to read the article and prepare portage configuration.

Required kernel options:

File systems  --->
 [*] Miscellaneous filesystems  --->
   <*>   SquashFS 4.0 - Squashed file system support
 <*> Overlay filesystem support

Install squashfs-tools

emerge -av squashfs-tools


Make new DISTDIR folder outside $PORTDIR:

mkdir -p /var/lib/portage/distfiles
chown portage:portage /var/lib/portage/distfiles

Move $DISTDIR to new destination in /etc/portage/make.conf. For example:


Remove old $DISTDIR directory content

rm /usr/portage/distfiles/*

Make directory for lower overlayfs layer

mkdir /usr/portage-ro


Create squashfs portage file and remove $PORTDIR content:

mksquashfs /usr/portage /usr/portage.sqfs
rm -r /usr/portage/*

squash script

Symlink squash-portage.sh to /usr/local/bin:

ln -s squash-portage.sh /usr/local/bin/squash-portage
chmod u+x /usr/local/bin/squash-portage

systemd service

For systemd, symlink service file to /etc/systemd/system/squash-portage.service

ln -s squash-portage.service /etc/systemd/system/squash-portage.service
systemctl enable squash-portage.service

emerge --sync hook

Create a file in /etc/portage/postsync.d.


systemctl restart squash-portage