GameMaker Manual

Welcome to the source of the GameMaker manual. View other languages here.

This manual is made using Adobe RoboHelp 2022.0.346. It is recommended to use RoboHelp to modify the manual.

You can open the project file in RoboHelp, contained in /Manual/GMS2_Manual.rhpj.

The second recommended way is to edit the HTML files directly, which are placed within /Manual/contents.

⚠️ If you use a program that modifies the HTML file beyond the content changes you wanted to make, your PRs will be rejected.

Please be careful when editing the manual.

✋ Be aware of the writing and formatting styles used within the existing text, and make sure your additions/changes are consistent with them.

🔧 For making your changes, it is recommended that you make a fork, clone it and edit locally where you can test your HTML in your browser.

✅ Once you are done, push your changes to your fork on GitHub and create a pull request.