
A simple Python LOC counter.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  • experimental LOC tool (lines of code, a.k.a. SLOC)
  • doing this to learn Python
  • feel free to raise issues if you find something unusual (the likelihood of someone even looking at this is very close to zero, so I'm not expecting anything :D)

TODO (one day)

  • add recognition of text files without extension
  • add a lightweight option for results charting
  • add rules to separate comments based on type of file
  • count code lines, comments and blank lines separately
  • improve speed, always
  • write tests


pip install pycount


You can run the command at any location in your command line

<your code dir>$ pycount

Or you can pass it path arguments

$ pycount ~/My/Repos/Some/Project # single path
$ pycount ~/Some/Code ~/Some/Other/Code # multiple paths
$ pycount ~/some.file.py # just one file

Exclude directories or files (exact match)

$ pycount -e test,external
$ pycount -e test,test.c someproject # counts only 'someproject' directory, while excluding 'test' directory and 'test.c' file

Alternatively, you can use the Counter class

from pycount.core import Counter

COUNTER = Counter() # or Counter('some/path') # or you can pass it a list of paths
COUNTER.discover() # discovers all unique files for a path
COUNTER.count() # counts all lines of code, using the pre-defined file types which should be considered

to see just the files, file type count and final results, you can use the class attributes

COUNTER.files # lists all the files

COUNTER.file_types # outputs the breakdown of counted file number, by file type
COUNTER.results # outputs the dictionary with all the values that were collected through counting per file type