
Deploy a contract

I am using Metamask. To deploy the contract, I simply had to validate the transaction using Metamask.

Call me

After deploying the contract, I used MyEtherWallet to interact with it. I clicked Access my wallet -> Browser extension, and connected it with Metamask. Then, Contract -> Interact with contract. I used the contract address provided by CaptureTheEther. I copied the ABI from EtherScan (search for the contract -> contract tab -> scroll down -> ABI). Back to MyEtherWallet, I chose the "callMe" function, called it, signed the transaction. Done!

Choose a nickname

This time, I couldn't get the ABI from Etherscan. Instead, I used Remix (online IDE). I created a single contract, where I copied and paster the code from CaptureTheEther, and compiled it. Then, in the Deploy and run transactions tab, I chose my compiled contract, pasted the address of the deployed contract so I could interact with it.

I wanted my nickname to be github.com/tsauvajon. To do that, I needed to convert it into bytes32. I ran:

npx bytes32 'github.com/tsauvajon'

which gave me 0x6769746875622e636f6d2f7473617576616a6f6e000000000000000000000000. I called the setNickname function with that 0x67... input.

Note: Remix gas estimations were off, so I used Metamask suggestion instead.