
OpenFaaS Cloud - multi-user GitOps for your functions

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OpenFaaS Cloud

OpenFaaS Cloud - GitOps for your functions with native GitHub integrations


Announcement from Cisco's DevNet Create in Mountain View


OpenFaaS Cloud uses serverless functions to provide a closed-loop CI/CD system for functions built and hosted on your public GitHub repositories. Just push your OpenFaaS functions to your public repo and within seconds you'll get a notificaiton with your HTTPS endpoint direcly on GitHub.

OpenFaaS Cloud packages, builds and deploys functions using OpenFaaS. Moby's BuildKit is used to build images and push to a local Docker registry instance.


  • Applies GitOps principles - GitHub is the single source of truth
  • To build and deploy a new version of a function - just push to your GitHub repo
  • Subscription to OpenFaaS Cloud is done via a single click using a GitHub App
  • Secured through HMAC - the public facing function "github-push" uses HMAC to verify the origin of events
  • HTTPS endpoint and build notifications for your commits

Blog post

Read my introducing OpenFaaS Cloud blog post for an overview of the idea with examples, screenshots and background on the project.

Roadmap & Features

  • Core experience
  • Self-hosted deployment on Kuberneters or Docker Swarm
  • GitHub Status API integration for commits
  • Automatic HTTPS for endpoints (yes via CertManager/Traefik)
  • Authorization with a CUSTOMER list
  • Trust with GitHub via HMAC and GitHub App
  • CI/CD for functions
  • Container builder using BuildKit
  • Free to use SaaS edition for community members and contributors
  • Log storage on Minio (S3-compatible)
  • Log storage on AWS S3 (help wanted)
  • Kubernetes helm chart (plain YAML supported already)
  • Developer story
  • Multi-user
  • UI: Dashboard for users
  • Support secrets in public repos through Bitnami SealedSecrets
  • Make detailed logs available to show build or unit test failures (dashboard)
  • Make build logs available publicly (dashboard finished, Checks API in progress)
  • Mixed-case user-names (in progress)
  • Use a git "tag" or "GitHub release" to promote a function to live
  • UI: OAuth 2 login via GitHub
  • Operationalize
  • Support for shared Docker Hub accounts instead of private registry
  • Support for private GitHub repos
  • Isolation between functions (NetworkPolicy on Kubernetes)
  • Stretch goals
  • CI/CD integration with on-prem GitLab (in-progress)
  • Unprivileged builds with BuildKit or similar (under investigation)
  • Enable untrusted container builds via docker-machine?
  • Integration with on-prem BitBucket (help wanted)
  • Log into OpenFaaS Cloud via CLI (faas-cli cloud login)
  • UI: OAuth 2 login via GitLab (help wanted)


OpenFaaS Cloud is built using OpenFaaS Golang functions to interact with GitHub and build/deploy your functions just seconds after your git push.

  • Function: github-push

Receives events from the GitHub app and checks the origin via HMAC

  • Function: git-tar

Clones the git repo and checks out the SHA then uses the OpenFaaS CLI to shrinkwrap a tarball to be build with Docker

  • Function: buildshiprun

Submits the tar to the of-builder then configures an OpenFaaS deployment based upon stack.yml found in the Git repo. Finally starts a rolling deployment of the function.

Calls garbage-collect

  • Function: garbage-collect

Function cleans up functions which were removed or renamed within the repo for the given user.

  • Service: of-builder

A builder daemon which exposes the GRPC of-buildkit service via HTTP.

  • Service: of-buildkit

The buildkit GRPC daemon which builds the image and pushes it to the internal registry. The image is tagged with the SHA of the Git commit event.

  • Service: Docker open-source registry

A private, local registry is deployed inside the cluster.

Try it out

Conceptual diagram of how OpenFaaS Cloud integrates with GitHub

You can set up and host your own OpenFaaS Cloud or contact alex@openfaas.com for instructions on how to participate in a public trial of a fully-hosted service. Read the privacy statement and terms and conditions for the hosted version of OpenFaaS Cloud.

Read the development guide to find out more about the functions and to start hacking on OpenFaaS Cloud.