Azure Kubernetes Fundamentals Wworkshop


This repo contains information and artefacts for a fundamentals workshop on Azure Kubernetes Services. It will cover topics such as Kubernetes concepts, insights to Azure Kubernetes Services, Cluster Management and Operations, Deployments & operational troubleshooting.


Ensure you have the following installed.

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Azure CLI / Azure Powershell
  • Bicep Tools
  • Kubectl
  • Cloned this repo!

Day One - Deploying a cluster

Ensure the pre-reqs are all met. From there complete the following steps:

Login to Azure

    az login

Confirm and/or set the correct context

    az account show / az account set <subscription>

Create a resource group to deploy into

    az group create -n aks-workshop -l <YOURREGION>

Edit the main.bicepparam file, line 5, provide your name or initials

    param dnsPrefix = 'aks-<YOURNAME>'

Ensure you are in the correct directory, deploy the bicep code. Update the --name value.

    az deployment group create --resource-group <YOUR-RG-NAME> --template-file main.bicep --parameters main.bicepparam --name <YOUR-NAME>

From here, we are going to explore some of the following.

  • The resources in your specified resource group.
  • The resource group all the nodes reside in.
  • Back on the kubernetes resource - explore some components we have discussed today.

You will hit RBAC issues at this point. It is by design and something we will talk through in the next session.