
SpatialRandomField is a software that generates uniform-distributed spatial random fields using a moving average approach. It is both a stand-alone tool, and an integrated part of QuantumPopulationGeo-Analytics.

Software instruction at

What does it do?

  1. Generate normal-distributed spatial noise i. Each raster cell is assigned a random number from a normal distribution
  2. Generate a normal-distributed spatial random field from the spatial noise i. A new raster is created, with each cell value calculated using a moving average filter function from the original spatial noise
  3. Covert the normal-distributed spatial random field to a uniform-distributed random field
  4. Output the random field as a GeoTIFF



To run

Find the compiled executable (i.e. DigPopPopulationDensity) and run it with the following arguments:
RandomField OutputFieldName ReferenceFileName Distance Exponent flat seed(optional)

Input arguments:

  1. OutputFieldName: the output GeoTiff
  2. ReferenceFileName: the input GeoTiff from which the software gets spatial bounds, cell size and spatial reference system
  3. Distance: the radius of spatial moving window (filtering function)
  4. Exponent: the exponent of the filtering function
  5. Flat: the radius in the filtering function where all cells within such radius have the same maximum weight
  6. Seed(optional): the initial seed to generate random numbers