Project #3 done for Udacity React Nanodegree.
This is the Mobile Flashcards project for the final assessment project for Udacity's React Native course.
Mobile Flashcards is a mobile application that allows users to prepare for tests and memorize things! Users can create decks of flashcards, add cards to those decks then take quizzes about it. It also notifies the user daily, with a reminder to study (8 am).
This app was only tested iPhone 5 or newer running iOS 9.0 or above.
It should work on Android, but as it was not the target, some layout styles may not proper appear on that devices.
- install all project dependencies with
yarn install
- start the development server with
yarn start
This app has been developed using Expo, which is a tool that enable developers to build and share native apps that work across both iOS and Android.
To run the app in the iOS simulator, take a look at the Expo docs.