
Vagrant project for TYPO3 development

Primary LanguageShell

Vagrant project for TYPO3 development

Using this Vagrant configuration you will get a working lamp environment ready to run through the TYPO3 installation wizard.


Those programs have to be installed and work proper.

Hint: This manual works for OS X and Linux. The vagrant project should also run within Windows, but you can't use the setup.sh then.

Project files

+ myProject/              // project folder on your host system 
+- .git/                  // version control system
+- .gitignore             // files to be ignoriered by version control system
|- README.md              // project information (this file)
|- setup.sh               // shell script to run the project
+-+ vagrant/              // vagrant folder (synced with /vagrant)
| |
| +- afterBoot.sh         // runs on every system start
| |
| +- provision.sh         // runs on first "vagrant up" and every "vagrant provision"
| |
| +- Vagrantfile          // vagrant configuration file
+-+ vhosts                // sync folder: /etc/apache2/sites-available
  +- typomachine.conf     // vhost configuration file


additional files and folders will be added by vm during system is starting.

For a complete uninstall after vagrant destroy remove following files:

  • vagrant/components/bower_components
  • vagrant/components/node_modules
  • vagrant/htdocs
  • vagrant/vhosts/000-default.conf
  • vagrant/vhosts/default-ssl.conf



  1. Open project folder in your terminal

     cd /path/to/target
  2. Start setup script

     sh ./setup.sh
     # if it results in an syntax error, try:
     bash ./setup.sh
  3. Select "Start VM"

  4. Select "SSH Login"

  5. Create file FIRST_INSTALL in web root

     touch /var/www/html/FIRST_INSTALL
  6. Add this line to your hosts file (/etc/hosts)   typomachine.local

    If you want to use another IP you have to configure it in vagrant/Vagrantfile.

  7. Open typomachine.local in your web browser to start the installation wizard

  8. Step 2: fill in user typomachine with password typomachine

  9. Step 3: select database typomachine

  10. Step 4: create a user "typomachine" with password "typomachine"

  11. Step 5: you can uncheck the box if you want to build your own system, also ignore the following steps then

  12. Login in and select "Get Extensions" in the upper box

  13. Search for bootstrap_package and install it by clicking on the brick

  14. Accept downloading realurl

  15. Base install is done, do a git init inside typo3_conf now to control your individual project

  16. Start grunt task if you want to get compiled css and javascript /var/www/components/grunt watch

  17. Create a new page and set this as root page. Find this option in the page configuration filed under behavior/miscellaneous

  18. Create a new typoscript Template on this Page

         Template Title: You can name this as you like: Example "Bootstrap Package"
         Website Title: This will be your website title visible in the frontend
         Clear Constants and Setup by checking the boxes
         Use this Template as Root-Level Template by checking the box
         Include static (from extensions)
         CSS Styled Content (required)
         Default TS form (optional if you want to use it)
         Bootstrap Package (required)
  19. You can build your site structure now and configure your project by editing the files located on your host system myProject/htdocs/typo3conf/ext/bootstrap_package Updating bootstrap_package extension is not recommended in this setup! Better create your own extension if you want to work serious.