Generates RocketBook QR Numerated Pages in a PDF depending on the quantity of pages, the template type and the page size.
It has been tested in python3 only. When using "venv", do make sure to remove previous rocketqr installs first.
git clone
cd RocketBookPages
python3 -m venv rocketbook_env
source rocketbook_env/bin/activate
pip install --editable .
You must be placed in the program folder.
- Create a new PDF file
rocketqr create
- Parameters:
- --quantity, -q: The number of pages that will contain the document
- --frame, -f: The page size(A4, Mini, Letter)
- --type_of_page, -t: The page type(DotGrid:0, Graph:1, Lined:2, Music:3)
- --numbered, -n: Define if the pages will be numbered or not
- Note: if a parameter is no provided, it will be asked for.
- Parameters:
- Delete all generated files
rocketqr delete
- Templates section
rocketqr templates menu rocketqr templates show rocketqr templates create
- Open menu
rocketqr menu
To share a template file just send your .json located in Source/templates.json and the pdf file needed by it. To use a template file, put it in Sources/templates.json
Will generate an A4 sized file with 5 pages and with DotGrid template with numbered pages.
rocketqr create -q 5 -f A4 -t 0 -n True