Bug with fingerprinting

When upgrading @glimmer/application-pipeline from 0.10.0 to 0.11.1 fingerprinting for files in public does not work anymore. It seems like the public files are not available to broccoli-asset-rev because when you look at tmp/asset_rewrite-input_base_path-cAJ8rDeV.tmp only app.css, app.js, app.js.map and index.html are available.



  • npm install -g ember-cli
  • ember new my-app -b @glimmer/blueprint
  • cd my-app/
  • upgrade versions according to package.json from this repo


  • run ember s
  • check dist folder and see that test.js has no fingerprint
  • downgrade to @glimmer/application-pipeline 0.10.0
  • run yarn or npm install
  • run ember s
  • check dist folder and see that test.js has a fingerprint now