
Analyzes GitHub profile of a given user and gives you statistics

Primary LanguageVue

Should we hire that dev?

Build Status dependencies Status devDependencies Status

Gathers public information of a given GitHub user and generates statistics about it. It also shows the most used programming languages.

Try it out: https://shouldwehi.re


  1. Install dependencies
    $ yarn install
    $ npm install
  2. Copy & configure environment variables
    $ cp .env.dist .env
  3. Run development server with hot reload
    $ yarn start
    $ npm run start
  4. Open browser with http://localhost:5000 (or defined port)

Further commands

# serve with hot reload at localhost:5000
yarn start

# build for production with minification
yarn build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
yarn build:report

# run unit tests
yarn unit

# run all tests
yarn test