- 3
hard dependency on devtools
#26 opened by Brunwo - 1
Readme typo
#28 opened by robiasto - 2
JStachio integration
#24 opened by tschuehly - 9
Proposal: Add HxTrigger
#11 opened by don41382 - 10
html layout - Namespace 'view' is not bound
#22 opened by landsman - 10
- 3
JTE flavor pulls in kotlin-compiler-embeddable
#18 opened by MariusSp - 4
- 2
do you have a plan that support .kte file
#9 opened by stella6767 - 4
Add component to existing Thymeleaf page
#7 opened by linus1412 - 2
- 8
Component JTE not found
#8 opened by DevAlves1993 - 2
spring-view-component-core absent on
#3 opened by linux-china - 4
Support for HTMX OOB swaps
#2 opened by checketts - 1