
Snakemake Pipeline to generate training data for predicting dataset difficulty

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Difficulty Prediction Training Data Pipeline

This pipeline generates training data for predicting the difficulty of phylogenetic data. The goal is to predict the difficulty of a dataset in order to improve the runtime and resource usage of phylogenetic inference. This pipeline is used to generate the training data for Pythia. For details on Pythia, see the linked repository or the preprint publication below.


  1. Setup the conda environment:
    conda env create -f environment.yml
  2. Install RAxML-NG. Note that you need my version of RAxML-NG, as this version contains additional features required for this pipeline.
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/tschuelia/raxml-ng.git
    cd raxml-ng
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j
  3. Install IQ-Tree by following the instructions on their website.

Running the pipeline

  1. Configure the pipeline by changing the config.yaml file:

    • Provide the paths to the MSA files in msa_paths.
    • You can either provide partition files for each of the MSAs, or let the pipeline automatically set the model. Note that you have to either provide partitions for all MSAs or for none. In this case, all DNA MSAs will be analyzed using the GTR+G (RAxML-NG) and GTR+FO+G4 (IQ-Tree) model, respectively for protein data LG+G (RAxML-NG) and LG+FO+G4 (IQ-Tree) will be used. For morphological data the pipeline uses MULTI{num_states}_GTR in RAxML-NG and MK in IQ-Tree.
    • You can change the outdir variable to tell snakemake where to store the output files. The default is a folder called data in the current workdir.
    • In the software section provide the paths to executables of RAxML-NG, IQ-Tree from the above installs.
  2. Run snakemake -n --quiet for a dry run of snakemake. Snakemake will print a summary of all tasks it will execute to the console.

  3. Finally, start the pipeline with snakemake --cores [num_cores].
    If you intend to run snakemake on a slurm cluster, you might want to check out my instructions on how to setup snakemake for slurm.


In the output directory you will find a subdirectory for each MSA you provided as input. Each subdirectory contains a data.sqlite3 SQLite database and a Parquet file.

The subdirectory output_files contains the intermediate files and logs of all snakemake steps.

Training Data

This repository also contains the training data as parquet file. To open the file, you need pyarrow or fastparquet installed in your environment. Then you can open the file with pandas using pd.read_parquet("training_data.parquet").

Careful, the training data does not only contain all features we used during our prediction experiments, but also the features we used to quantify the difficulty. The file features.py contains further explanation of the features and lists of features and respective labels that can be used for experimenting with the training data.


The paper explaining the details of Pythia is published in MBE:
Haag, J., Höhler, D., Bettisworth, B., & Stamatakis, A. (2022). From Easy to Hopeless - Predicting the Difficulty of Phylogenetic Analyses. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 39(12). https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msac254