Stock quotes API

The goal of this project is to create a simple API with Node.js to allow users to query stock quotes. The project consists of two separate services:

  • A user-facing API that will receive requests from registered users asking for quote information.
  • An internal stock service that queries external APIs to retrieve the requested quote information.


  • Register a new user
  • Authenticate a user's access.
  • Retrieve requested quote information.
  • Store the searched information.
  • List authenticated user's search history
  • List the top 5 quote information most searched for by all users.


Dillinger uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

And all versioning of the project was done through Jobsity git.


The project requires Node.js v10+ to run.

With the docker engine running, pull up the mysql database image. Initialization scripts will automatically create the necessary databases for the project (dev and test).

cd node-challenge
docker-compose up

With mysql running, create an .env file by replicating the .env.example, install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.


cd api-service
npm install
npm run start


cd stock-service
npm install
npm run start


Once you have both services and mysql running it is possible to call the routes. All routes (except /register) need authentication to run, so the first step in testing the application is to create a user.

Postman: All routes are available to be tested in this collection in Postman. Swagger: Accessing the /docs route.

Testing api-service - http://localhost:3001/

POST /register Request example:

  { "email": "", "role": "admin" }  //role could be user/admin

Response example:

  { "email": "", "password": "bda5d07453dfde4440803cfcdec48d92" }

With the password generated at the time of registration, it is possible to authenticate the user.

POST /auth Request example:

  { "email": "", "password": "ojI566Bk6foQoZACQN4UWDlKXHs6UCw6" }

Response example:


It is important to mention that authentication needs to add "Bearer " in front of the generated token.

GET /stock?

Response example:

    "symbol": "WAVC-U.US",
    "open": "9.965",
    "high": "9.97",
    "low": "9.94",
    "close": "9.97"

GET /history The history displays only the authenticated user's searches.

Response example:

    date: "2022-12-12T00:04:25.000Z",
    symbol: "",
    open: "9.965",
    high: "9.97",
    low: "9.94",
    close: "9.97",
    date: "2022-12-12T00:07:22.000Z",
    name: "APPLE",
    symbol: "",
    open: "142.34",
    high: "145.57",
    low: "140.9",
    close: "142.16",

GET /stats This endpoint will return the top 5 most requested stocks. Only admins can access this endpoint.

Response example:

    stock: "",
    times_requested: 2,
    stock: "",
    times_requested: 1,

Stock service - http://localhost:3002

  • Assume this is an internal service, so requests to endpoints in this service don't need to be authenticated.
  • When a stock request is received, this service should query an external API to get the stock information. For this project, use this API:{stock_code}&f=sd2t2ohlcvn&h&e=csv.
  • Note that {stock_code} above is a parameter that should be replaced with the requested stock code. -You can see a list of available stock codes here:

POST /stock

Request example:

    "symbol": "NYMX.US"

Response example:

    "symbol": "NYMX.US",
    "open": "0.6219",
    "high": "0.7064",
    "low": "0.5613",
    "close": "0.5979"


Services architecture.