Book store


  • clone this repository
  • run npm install - Install dependencies
  • run npm start - Starting the server (port 8000)
  • run npm test - Running automated tests - To run the tests you need to have the API running on port 8000.

{{url}} => http://localhost:8000

API endpoints

{{url}}/books -> GET Show books

This route is used to display all registered books with a message of success.


  "success": true,
  "books": [
          "_id": "5e6b7f991d745d47acfa70a8",
          "title": "Como Fazer Amigos e Influenciar Pessoas",
          "category": "Desenvolvimento pessoal",
          "pageCount": 264,
          "publishedDate": "2012-05-18T00:00:00.000Z",
          "thumbnailUrl": ",204,203,200_.jpg",
          "shortDescription": "O guia clássico e definitivo para relacionar-se com as pessoas",
          "longDescription": "Princípios de Como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas mostram a você como influenciar os     outros para apoiarem sua visão. Descubra 9 técnicas para aprimorar os relacionamentos e técnicas fundamentais para tornar-se um líder respeitado.",
          "__v": 0
          "_id": "5eb09b29d230e86ad8560c53",
          "title": "Crepusculo",
          "category": "romance",
          "pageCount": 350,
          "publishedDate": "2014-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
          "thumbnailUrl": "",
          "shortDescription": "Vampiro Menina Lobo",
          "longDescription": "descrição",
          "__v": 0

If any field is sent null or in the wrong format, the book will not be registered and an error message will be displayed

    "Success": false,
    "error": "Você deixou algum campo vazio ou passou alguma informação no formato errado"

{{url}}/books -> POST Create book

This route is used to create a new book, the book data must be informed and in result the route will return the new book with a message of success.

HEADERS Content-Type application/json

BODY json


    "title": "Crepusculo",
    "category": "romance",
    "pageCount": 350,
    "publishedDate": "2014-02-01",
    "thumbnailUrl": "",
    "shortDescription": "Vampiro Menina Lobo",
    "longDescription": "descrição"

title - String/required category - String/required pageCount - Number/required publishedDate - Date/required thumbnailUrl - String/required shortDescription - String/required longDescription - String/required


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Livro cadastrado com sucesso",
    "book": {
        "_id": "5eb09b29d230e86ad8560c53",
        "title": "Crepusculo",
        "category": "romance",
        "pageCount": 350,
        "publishedDate": "2014-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "thumbnailUrl": "",
        "shortDescription": "Vampiro Menina Lobo",
        "longDescription": "descrição",
        "__v": 0

{{url}}/books/:id -> PUT Update book

The request must contain at least one of the attributes of Book and a valid book id entered as a parameter. The update function um verify witch one is and replace then. Returns information from the modified book and a message of success.

HEADERS Content-Type application/json id String


  "title": "O Hobbit"


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Livro editado com sucesso",
    "book": {
        "_id": "5eb09b29d230e86ad8560c53",
        "title": "O Hobbit",
        "category": "romance",
        "pageCount": 350,
        "publishedDate": "2014-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "thumbnailUrl": "",
        "shortDescription": "Vampiro Menina Lobo",
        "longDescription": "descrição",
        "__v": 0

Will display an error message if the user enters an invalid attribute to be updated and status 400.

  "error": "Você não informou um campo válido"

    "error": "Atributo(s) informados no formato errado"

{{url}}/books/:id -> GET Delete book

Find a book through the id informed as a parameter and delete it. Returns a message of success.

HEADERS id String


    "Success": true,
    "Message": "Livro removido com sucesso"