
Dev console addon for Godot engine.

Primary LanguageGDScript


Dev console addon for Godot engine.

Simply drop the addons directory into your godot project, go to the project settings, plugins, and enable "Console".

After you've done that, you can add console commands from any class.


func _ready():
  Console.add_command("hello", self, "my_hello_function")

func my_hello_function():
  Console.print_line("Hello, world!")

You can also specify up to 3 parameters, which will be passed in as strings:

  Console.add_command("param_test", self, "param_test_function", 1) # 1 specifies 1 parameter

func param_test_function(param1 : String):
  Console.print_line("Param passed in: %s" % param1)

The "quit"/"exit" command is implemented by default.