File writing error
Andyargueasae opened this issue · 0 comments
Andyargueasae commented
------------- EXCEPTION -------------
MSG: Could not write file '/data/chloroscan/binny_output/intermediary/prokka.faa': No such file or directory
STACK Bio::Root::IO::_initialize_io /home/
STACK Bio::SeqIO::_initialize /home/
STACK Bio::SeqIO::fasta::initialize /home/
STACK Bio::SeqIO::new /home/
STACK Bio::SeqIO::new /home/
STACK toplevel /data/chloroscan/conda/7a9f0871ba17c37c7fea5f02871f8ff6/lib/binny_Chloroscan/workflow/bin/prokkaP:1414
This is what I got from running prokkaP to predict genes and output the prediction into gff, faa. But it says here that the file I provided in the arguments cannot be found. But it is there, I just don't know why it keeps popping out.