Motion adaptive deblurring with single-photon cameras

Code for Motion adaptive deblurring with single-photon cameras


See Example Code Notebook for an example of how to use the changepoint detection and global motion deblurring on the fan data set.

See 2cars (this notebook is still quite messy) for the implementation of the multiple object deblurring. The deblurring algorithm used assumes rigid objects that do not occlude each other.

Uses python 3.7.0

Packages used: numpy, matplotlib, h5py, joblib, pickle, cv2, tqdm, ruptures, scipy, sklearn

@inproceedings{seets2021motion, title={Motion adaptive deblurring with single-photon cameras}, author={Seets, Trevor and Ingle, Atul and Laurenzis, Martin and Velten, Andreas}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision}, pages={1945--1954}, year={2021} }