
Ecole 42 projects

Primary LanguageC

Ecole 42 projects


After working for 2 years in my last company I decided enroll 42 school which located in Paris to improve my skillset as a software engineer.

Enrolling process

  • Online game (logical game)
  • Piscine - 1 month trial
  • ✨Magic ✨


Name Description Skills Path
FDF 2D map to 3D landscape representation geometry, graphics, c fdf/
Philo Parallel computing using famous example threads, mutex, c philo/
Minishell Builded my own shell shell script, pipe, c minishell/
Cub3d Creating game with raycasting method raycasting, graphics, c cub3d/


First few months were challenging for me due to new environment but after spending more time at school my life completely changed thanks to fellow students and bocals.

  • Viva tech 2023 - volunteer
  • AIBC World Hackathon - participant