
This project demonstrates the use of microservices,database creation,containerization through the creation of a personal health record system.

Primary LanguagePython

Dockerized Python Server for a Personal Health Record keeping App

This repository contains a Dockerfile and a Python script (server.py) to run a RESTful server that performs CRUD operations in SQL for a NoteTaker. The server is built using Python 3.10.9 and is dockerized for portability.

Github Repository Link

Directory Structure

File Description
docker-compose.yml Defines the container for both db and application.
Dockerfile Defines the Docker image for the server.
server.py Contains the implementation of the HTTP server.
.env.example Defines the structure for a .env file.
.gitignore Defines what we want to avoid pushing to the repo.


Run Locally

Use this command to create a network

docker network create {NetworkName}

Use this command to create the database:

docker run --name {ContainerName} -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={Password} -e MYSQL_DATABASE={DatabaseName} -d mysql:latest

Remember the ContainerName,Password, and DatabaseName as we will use them for our environment variables.

Create .env file and use the values we used to create the database


Install dependencies for the code

pip install python-dotenv mysql-connector-python
python -m pip install python-dotenv mysql-connector-python

Run the server - On first run, the server will create the tables and two dummy entries for each table.

python server.py

Using Docker

Create Docker files:

touch docker-compose.yml
touch Dockerfile

Build our app using the settings in Dockerfile

docker build -t personal-health-record-system:version .

Once the image is built, you can run the Docker container using the following command:

docker run -dp 8010:8010 personal-health-record-system

Run this code to containerize the sql image and build the application images and create a compiled container of both systems all in one command:

docker-compose up

Pushing to DockerHub

# Build the application
docker-compose build app

# Tag the build application with a name
docker tag personalhealthrecord-app lttse/personalhealthrecord-api:v1

# Push the image to DockerHub
docker push lttse/personalhealthrecord-api:v1

The HTTP server inside the container will start, and listen on port 8010. You can access the server at http://localhost:8010.


This project uses MySQL database from Docker.

File Description
db_init.sql This defines the table creations along with two dummy users.
db_seed.sql This file holds the insert statements for dummy data.
db_setup.py This file holds the code to run the sql files to setup the database.

API Testing Endpoints