
simple reader for eletronic passports

Primary LanguagePython


Passport Reader is a simple (and somewhat crude) Linux/Unix command line application to read datagroup 1 (DG1, digitally stored Machine Readable Zone) and datagroup 2 (DG2, digitally stored portrait) by executing Basic Access Control (BAC) as defined in ICAO 9303.

There are other libraries and tools that already implement BAC (such as RFIDIOT), but I wanted to implement this myself as an exercise to get familiar with secure messaging, the file structure, access mechanisms, and ISO 7816-4 of passports.

The sourcecode (the card part, not the messy gui part) might also help you to get some overview on how all of the above work together. At least I hope so :-)

License is GNU GPL 2. (c) 2014,2015 Dominik Klein


Only Linux is tested. Windows and OS X should work in theory, but are untested right now.

Linux Installation:

Download the zip archive of this repository here or via the link on the right side.

The following packages must be installed first (package names are from Ubuntu, but should be named similar in other distros):

  • pcsc-tools
  • python (Version >=2.7 but <3)
  • python-crypto
  • python-qt4-dev
  • python-pyscard

Connect your smartcard reader to your system. You can verify that the smartcard reader and the pcsc-interface are working by putting a card on the reader and calling


Last, unzip qpassport.zip to a folder, say smartcard and

cd smartcard
python main.py

Note that to prove physical posession of the passport, you will need to enter the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) to get access to the digitally stored information.